Weathering the Storm

I am writing this the day after Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast leaving a path of destruction, especially in the mid-Atlantic area. While I had some heavy rain and powerful wind gusts here, for the most part it seems we made it through okay. As I watched the wind buffet the trees, wondering if any …

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Obama and the Planned Parenthood Lie

In Tuesday's debate our President claimed that millions of women relied on Planned Parenthood for mammograms. Of course there isn't one Planned parenthood clinic which is licensed to have a mammogram machine. As pointed out in this article on CatholicOnline the President has lied and they give two explanations as to why. Either we must accept that the …

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Time For Some Hard Thinking

The other day on my Facebook page, The Wayward Catholic, I posted a chart comparing Barack Obama's views on issues as opposed to Catholicism's views. There are thirteen items on the list. Reading it, you have to wonder how any Catholic would vote for him. He accepts all the tenets of Communism and Socialism, even though his supporters do their best to …

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